Custom-Made for Researchers, Ready-Made for Public Scholarship

Research AMP is a free, open-source platform for building scholarly communities, collecting research and sharing insights with new audiences.

Research AMP turns up the volume on your research, bringing it to the public’s ear.

Who is Research AMP for?

Do you and your colleagues want to build a network of scholars and practitioners around your research topic?

Are you looking for better ways to share the implications of your research with journalists, policymakers, and the public?



Aggregate scholarly publications, news articles, and reports on your topic

Feature scholars in your network by creating scholar profiles


Store your content in Research AMP’s WordPress feeds and Zotero library

Curate your content for posting on the website with an easy-to-use back-end staging area


Publish original, expert analysis, literature reviews, and articles

Share research on your topic with the world using the Research AMP citation library


Make Research AMP your own with drag-and-drop content layout options for your homepage and customizable site branding, color scheme, and fonts

Get up and running faster with pre-populated pages, navigation menus, and header and footer layout options

A Project by the Social Science Research Council, in collaboration with the Digital Scholar.
