
Research AMP is a free, open-source platform that helps you share your research with broader audiences. Once you install the Research AMP plugins and configure your site, you can use Research AMP to create and publish original content, such as articles and research reviews. Users can also curate existing content, like scholarly publications, newspaper articles, and white papers, with Zotero and PressForward, which integrate seamlessly into Research AMP.


Installing Research AMP on a WordPress site is easy: just download the Research AMP plugin and theme, and get started building your site. Watch this space to find out when Research AMP will be available to the public!


Configuration for a Research AMP site allows users to define the layout and appearance of the site. After creating a research topic structure, users can choose which features of the site to enable, and modify the existing templates to customize the look and feel of their Research AMP site.

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Content and

Once your Research AMP site is configured, you’re ready to begin creating and curating content. When managing content on Research AMP, you’ll have access to all the content-editing tools of WordPress, and you will be able to create articles, research reviews, Zotero collections, scholar profiles, and more.

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Research AMP is currently in closed beta with partner sites and is anticipated to be available to the public by Fall 2023.